World Tournament 22-24th November 2019, Tokyo, Japan
attended three World Tournaments in the past and this was to be my fourth and
more importantly the first under the new IKO rules around pushing, sweeps and
kicks to the head, I was keen to see how the event would unfold. My views will
unfold as the report goes on but around the sweep / ashi
barai, I feel this was the most controversial aspect
as their seem to be inconsistency around awarding scores for these and many
appear to be falls, I am aware the Budo ethic of to
fall down is to die but some perfectly good sweeps were not scored and some
ambiguous ones were scored so it was the lack of consistency for me that was
the issue.
With a reduced number of fighters this event,
all the top 32 seeds were due to fight on day one plus a few additional
preliminary fights.
Block A
Kamada (Japan) looked impressive as he opened the
event and scored an wazari
for a Jodan mawashi geri
against Alireza (Switzerland), and Meschyerakov
(Russia) looked hugely powerful against Lopez (Canada) landing a number of
powerful low kicks before scoring a wazari for a
sweep. Ajima (Japan) scored a wazari
for an excellent fast ushiro mawashi geri against Zushi (USA) and Zagainov (Russia) showed tremendous speed for a 6ft 5 inch fighter as he dominated Yazd (Iran) to get the
Tusseau (France) was impressive and came close with
high kicks a number of times as he got the decision against Nxumalo (South
Africa), and Yamagawa (Japan) showed tremendous
fitness and powerful punch and low kick combinations for a big man as he also
got the decision against Marinelli (Belgium). The older Galiev
(Russia), Alexei had to work hard against Gumede (South Africa) giving away
30kgs, the first round was a draw but Galiev’s work
rate and pressing earned him the decision but Gumede’s powerful low kicks had
hurt the Russian throughout the fight. Ardekami
(Iran) then defeated Rodriguez (Colombia) in a scrappy fight on decision and
Yeremenko (Russia) received a bye for a no show.
Block B
Takahashi (Japan) looked electric and scored
a wazari for a crisp shita tsuki against Mungcal (Phillipines) and Kubo (Japan) scored wazaris
for a sweep and then a Jodan mawashi geri versus Haojun (China), next
up saw the legendary Navarro (Spain) in his final tournament and he earned the
decision against a gutsy Kwela (South Africa). Osawa
scored firstly a wazari for a sweep and then an ippon
for a Jodan mawashi geri
against Were (Uganda) and the giant Gulyaev (Russia)
impressed as he scored a wazari for a Jodan mawashi geri against
Christie (Great Britain).
Sypien (Poland) looked strong as he scored an ippon
for chudan hiza geri against Aritonang (Indonesia)
and Hoshi (Japan) was hugely powerful but also fast and high intensity with
powerful punches and low kicks as he defeated a spirited Henderson (Australia)
by decision. Yunusov (Russia) scored a wazari for a sweep against Patsha
(South Africa) and the younger Galiev (Russia), Konstantin,
looked strong defeating Wang (China). Finally, in this section Kochnev (Russia) worked at his normal high intensity and
scored a wazari for a sweep against Wolski (Poland).
Block C
Arata (Japan) earned a decision against Al
Tarsha (Saudia Arabia) and Bedoshvil
(Russia) landed some extremely powerful low kicks and got the decision against Sturriale (Italy). Kaga (Japan)
got the decision against Maxama (South Africa) and Goryushkin (Russia) looked strong in getting the flags
against Nazari (Iran). Kapanadze (Russia) looked a bit edgy but still
comfortable enough to get the decision against Mahroon
(Bahrain) and Ishimura (Japan) looked powerful as he scored a wazaris for a sweep then a Jodan
mawashi geri as he battered Kakatsos
Afasali (Iran) scored a wazari
for a mae geri jodan against Dae Yoo (South Korea) and Mazurkiewicz
(Poand) and Garret (USA) had a real battle with a
split 2-1 decision that was awarded to the Pole. Finally
in the section the irrepressible Luzin (Russian) got
the decision against the larger Ariunbold (Mongolia)
to end the secion.
Block D
Zarinyan (Russia) was fast out the blocks as he
scored wazari for first a sweep and then an ippon for
a ushiro mawashi geri against
the much taller Ommedal (Norway), Tokuda
(Japan) had a late surge that earned him decision against Wang (China) and Aksenenko (Russia) earned a decision Mednbayar
(Mongolia). Shimizu (Japan) earned a wazari for a
sweep and then a body punch against Zue (Canada) and
Kovalenko (Russii) looked very calm and in control
earning two wazari’s both for sweeps against Finca (South Africa).
Ekimov (Russia) had a hard fight against Rashnoo (Germany) and earned the flags and then Kedzierski (Poland) and Takeoka
(Japan) had a real battle, the first round was even and a draw and this was the
only the second fight of the day that went to an extension, credit to the Pole
in taking the home fighter to an extension but as Kedzierski
tired Takeoka’s low kicks landed more frequently and
this helped him earn the decision. Karpenko (Russia) looked in cruise control
as he took the decision against Mkhize (South Africa) and the final fight saw
pre-tournament event favourite and reigning All Japan Champion Ueda (Japan)
defeat Matinyan (Armenia) after a sickening leg break
saw the Armenian stretchered off.
Second Round
Block A
Kamada (Japan) again impressed against Zapata
(Spain) and scored a wazari for first a jodan mawashi geri and then another
for a sweep. Magagula (South Africa) received a bye and the towering Mezhenskiy (Ukraine) looked very powerful with punches and
low kicks before earning wazaris for a Jodan Mae Geri and then a sweep against Su
(China). Mescheryakov (Russia) again looked extremely
powerful as he closed down Axyonov (Kazaksthan) and hurt his opponent with punches and huge low
kicks before earning a wazari for a body punch.
Ajima (Japan) and Whyte (New Zealand) had a good
fight that saw Ajima score a wazari
at the end of the round for a back kick, and Butko
(Russia) dominated Durante (Uruguay) and scored a wazari
for first a body punch and then a chudan hiza geri. The younger Takahashi
(Japan), Yota, looked sharp with high work rate and
some impressive knees to earn a decision against Drogoul
(France) and Zagainov (Russia) overcame Lakusic (Serbia) in a hard fight with both fighters well
over 6 ft to get a decision.
Tusseau (France) again looked sharp and dangerous
with high kicks before scoring a wazari for a shit tsuki against Borisov (Bulgaria) and Yanagisawa (USA) got
the decision in a scrappy fight against Sang (Korea). Chirkov
(Russia) scored a wazari for first a sweep and then a
body punch against Boreham (Australia) and Yamagawa
(Japan) again looked strong and fit with powerful low kicks as he got the
decision against Varabei (Belarus).
Alexei Galiev
(Russia) and Eliakim (Israel) had a real battle, the Israeli had looked on top
for parts of the fight but Galiev constant pressing
turned the fight around to get the decision, this was however Galiev’s second hard fight in as many rounds. Takagi
(Japan) the advanced past Sumon (Bangladesh) with a wazari for a mae geri jodan and then a sweep. Ardekami (Iran) lost to Naito (Guam) for a last minute fall which was harsh and after the Iranian had
been on top and then Yeremenko (Russia) showed his class as he comfortably
dispatched Jelonek (Poland) on decision.
Block B
Takahashi (Japan) showed great movement as he
moved around and picked off Alvarado (Bolivia) to get the decision and Lyasehnko (Russia) used his height well and in particular
knees to the body to get a decision against Ahyu (New
Zealand). Kubo (Japan) and Scarcella (USA) had a real scrap, Kubo came close
with a few high kicks and his work rate helped get the flags. Navarro (Spain)
looked classy with some great movement and countering as he picked off Zingale (Italy) to get the decision.
Osawa (Japan) then had a bye and Al Zibawi (Lebanon) came out strongly against Polyakov
(Russia) before the Russian’s fitness and techniques took their toll as he was
awarded two flags plus the referee to advance. Popa (Romania) defeated Ku
(Myanmar) with wazari for a body punch before two
large powerful fighters in Gulyaev (Russia) and Demeautis (France) squared off, this was again a hard fight
but Gulyaev increased his dominance as the fight went
on and took the decision.
Sypien (Poland) took on the strong Pereira
(Brazil), with the Pole’s fitness proving key as he worked hard and wore down
the Brazilian to get the decision, Gabarev (Russia)
looked strong with body punches against Phillips (New Zealand) before scoring a
wazari for a jodan mawashi geri. Draga (Hungary) gave away
20kgs and a good few inches to Milicevic (USA) and after a scrappy fight the
American’s size and strength proved key to get a decision and then Hoshi
(Japan) again impressed as he kept things simple with punches and low kicks but
increased his work rate effectively to get a decision against Dolatabad (Iran).
Dogari (Moldova) use his size and pwer against the much smaller but explosive Yunusov (Russia) to push his opponent back, the extra 30kgs
proved decisive as Dogari constantly drove back Yunusov to get the decision and then Higuchi (Japan) and
Zhu (USA) had a slow fight with the Japanese getting the decision. Next up was
the giant Nascimento (Brazil) at 2m 10cm and 145kg, he was one of the largest
fighters in the events history and took on Konstantin Galiev
(Russia), the huge Brazilian used the new rules well and pushed Galiev off the tatami five or six times and the Russian
failed to change his normal forward moving style and Nasicimento
got the decision. Kochnev (Russia) took on the very strong
Kuzyaev (Ukraine) who was unlucky to get caught with
a jodan hiza geri for a wazari after a close
Block C
Arata (Japan) defeated Hermosilla
(Brazil) in a scrappy fight by decision and in another scrappy fight Bouchedda (France) scored a wazari
for a jodan mawashi geri
against Sampath (Sri Lanka). Kobayashi (Japan) defeated the game Mkhize (South
Africa) by decision and Bedoshvil (Russia) used his
size and low kicks to great effect to constantly push back the smaller Reyes
(Spain) and get the decision.
Kaga (Japan) scored a wazari
for a ushiro mawashi geri
and then a low kick to easily dispatch Zaine
(Belgium) and Mikhailov (Russia) stalked Buffaloe
(USA) before landing a perfect chudan mawashi geri for ippon. Morales (Brazil) defeated Junior
(Australia) after a scrappy fight on a split decision and Goryushkin
(Russia) had a battle but did enough to get the decision against Visser (New
Kapanadze (Russia) looked his normal powerful
self as he beasted Giraldo (Brazil)
and earned a wazari for a mae
geri. Naor (Israel) and Grundler (France) had an even fight but the Israeli’s extra
power told as the fight wore catching the Frenchman with low kicks and this
earned him the decision. Ogly (Russia) overpowered Liu (China) to get the decision
and Nishimura (Japan) took on Atanasov (Bulgaria)
with two fighters in excess of 100kg but Nishimura was much sharper deservedly
took the decision and Nakano (USA) took the decision versus Afsali
(Iran). Mazurkiewicz (Poland) and Stefanou
(Greece) had a close fight with the Pole slightly fortunate to be awarded a wazari for appeared to be a fall by the Greek. Last up in
the section Luzin (Russia) was unrelenting with his
high work rate and power as he dominated Karimi (Afghanistan).
Block D
Zarinyan (Russia) looked razor sharp as he scored a wazari for a ushiro geri against Zuleta (Argentina), and the huge kiwi and crowd favourite Mckinnon (New Zealand) overpowered Colis (Romania) with his sheer size and devastating low kicks. Tokuda (Japan) scored a wazari for a back kick against Evagee (USA) and Aksenenko (Russia) was far stronger than Rovira (Spain) as he advanced by decision.
Shimizu (Japan) was a bit fortunate to get a wazari after (replacement fighter) (Brazil) fell and Keskin (Turkey) looked sharp in getting the decision over
Zheng (China). Zeghbab (France) got an ippon in
seconds for a body punch against Prakash (India) and Kovalenko (Russia) got the
decision after a scrappy fight against Tockar
Ekimov (Russia) took on Fadakari
(Iran) and this was a real war, the fight was very even and warranted an
extension but the Russian got the flags. Silva (Brazil) who was in his fifth
World Tournament and was impressive against Badar
(Hungary) as he dominated the fight and took the decision. Fedoseev
(Russia) was fit as he pushed back Shange (South
Africa) to earn the decision and the Takeoka (Japan)
and Abbas (Kuwait) fight was stopped for a face punch but when resumed Takeoka earned a wazari for a
Karpenko (Russia) chased the much smaller Bodach (Brazil) round the mat in a messy fight but was
Karpenko was far too strong eventually earned a wazari
to advance and Mazabov (Tajikistan) was too fit and
strong and got the decision against Erdenechuluun
(Mongolia). Triscaro (Italy) scored a wazari for a sweep against Ishikawa (USA) and Ueda (Japan)
closed the round off earning a quick wazari for a
sweep against Tewera (New Zealand).
Third Round
Block A
Kamada (Japan) caught Magagula (South Africa) with
a jodan mawashi geri for a wazari as the South African put in a spirited display. Mescheryakov (Russia) against Mezhenskiy
(Ukraine) was a battle of two 100kg plus powerhouses, Mescheryakov
proved the stronger as he focused on inside low kicks to slow down the taller
Ukrainian and get the decision.
Ajima (Japan) vs Butko
(Russia) was the first of many Japan versus Russia match ups, this was a real
war and was a draw after the first round, in the extnesion
Ajima focused on low kicks and gradually got on top
and took the decision. Zagainov (Russia) took on Yota Takahashi (Japan) and in intriguing fight, Takahashi
fought well to either be out of the much taller Russian’s range or very close
to cut off the leverage and power, the first round ended 2-0 to the Russian and
the fight went into an extension, the fight became frantic and erratic but Zagainov started using hiza geris
to good effect and boss the fight as it went on and took the decision in the
Tusseau (France) and Yanagisawa (USA) was another
even fight with but the Frenchman landed an excellent hiza
geri jodan for a wazari to advance. Yamagawa
(Japan) took the fight to Chirkov (Russia) and never
gave the excellent Russian chance to settle, Yamagawa
smothered Chirkov with powerful low kicks and punches
and advanced constantly showing great fitness and deservedly too the decision.
Galiev (Russia) and his hard fights had taken their
toll and he did not look as fresh as in his first two fights against Takagi
(Japan) but never stopped working in this fight, the Russian was harshly
awarded a genten ichi for
Takagi to advance. Yeremenko (Russia) scored an ippon for a perfect shita tuski against Naito (Guam).
Block B
Takahashi (Japan) again showed great movement
and also power as he evaded Lyashenko (Russia) but dished
out a lot of punishment with some powerful punches and earned the decision.
Navarro (Spain) and Kubo (Japan) had a battle in a tight fight but the Spaniard
gradually got on top and got the flags.
Osawa (Japan) against Polyakov (Russia) was
another real battle, the Russian came out aggressively but Osawa
came more and more into the fight and did enough to earn the decision but
Polyakov could class himself as harshly treated not to get an extension. Gulyaev (Russia) continued to look ominously strong as he
dropped Popa (Romania) with a body punch for ippon.
Sypien (Poland) took on Gabarev
(Russia) in a fight that started evenly before the Poles size and fitness came
into play, he used hiza geri
chudan’s to great effect to slow the Russian down and
get the decision. Hoshi (Japan) used his 120kg to great effect and cut down the
space and wear down with punches and low kicks against the taller Milicevic
(USA) to advance by decision.
Dogari (Moldova) was the much larger fighter as he
took on Higuchi (Japan) who was busy throughout the fight, the fight was
stopped as Dogari dislocated his finger and after the
re-start Higuchi’s fitness and work rate was key as he took the decision. Last
up in this section was a real shock as the giant Brazilian Nascimento swept Kochnev (Russia) to earn a wazari
and put last World Tournaments semi finalist out.
Block C
Arata (Japan) and Bouchedda
(France) was another war, Arata used low kicks well to get on top but the
Frenchman came back into the fight and pushed Arata back and deserved get an
extension. Arata continued to concentrate on low kicks and upped his work rate
and that was enough to get the decision after a hard fight. Bedoshvil
(Russia) used his 40kg weight advantage well against Kobayashi (Japan) and
continued to use low kicks effectively and took the decision.
Kaga (Japan) and Mikhailov (Russia) were well
matched and this was a very even fight with the fighters trading combinations, Kaga outworked the Russian at the end of the round and took
the decision. Goryushkin (Russia) and Morales
(Brazil) had a scrappy fight and Goryushkin used his
size and pushed Morales of the mat a number of times and earned the decision to
Kapanadze (Russia) never got into a fluid
stream and made hard work of his victory against Naor
(Israel) who fought gallantly and the powerful Nishimura (Japan) and Ogly (Russia) had a scrappy fight and the Ogly was given a genten ichi that was enough for Nishimura to advance deservedly.
Nakano (USA) and Nagasawa (Japan) was another
scrappy fight that went to an extension before another genten
ichi pushed Nakano through and Luzin
(Russia) defeated a Mazurkiewicz (Poland) after
gaining a fortunate wazari for a fall, but the
Russian was always in total control.
Block D
Zarinyan (Russia) gave away over 65kg (that is not a typo!)
as he took on crowd favourite Mckinnon (New Zealand),
the big kiwi stalked the Russian and Zarinyan showed
brilliant movement to move around and pick off his larger opponent with crisp
and sharp techniques, Mckinnon focused on trying to
land some heavy low kicks but tired as the fight went on and Zarinyan took the decision. Tokuda
(Japan) and Aksenenko had a real battle match with
neither backing down, this was very well matched and ready for an extension
before the decision was given to Aksenenko, when an
extension was definitely the better option.
Shimizu (Japan) and Keskin
(Turkey) were well matched with both fighters throwing a high number of fast
combinations, Shimizu upped his work rate later in the round and took the
decision. Kovalenko (Russia) looked classy against Zeghbab
(France) as he dispatched the tall and powerful Frenchman with two excellent
sweeps for wazari-ippon.
Ekimov (Russia) and Silva (Brazil) had a close
fight, the Brazilian refused to back down but perhaps did not use his good
movement enough and tired late in the round for Ekimov
to get the decision. Fedoseev (Russia) again showed
his fitness against Takeoka (Japan) and was non-stop
for the whole round never allowing Takeoka to get
into his rhythm and enabling the Russian to advance.
Karpenko (Russia) and Mazabov
(Tajikistan) was developing into an interesting fight and Mazabov
was impressive but a very harsh wazari for a fall
stopped their being and extension and Karpenko advanced. Ueda (Japan) again
looked impressive and scored a wazari for a jodan hiza geri
against Triscari (Italy) to end day two.
Last 32
Block A
As predicted the final day saw the two
strongest teams with Russia (14) and Japan (13) providing most fighters by a
distance, plus fighters from Brazil, France, Poland, Spain and USA.
Kamada (Japan) and Meschyerakov
(Russia) was a battle of two power houses, the Russian at 115kg stalked Kamada who moved well and landed powerful low kicks and chudan mawashi geri’s but the
Russian also landed some powerful shots of his own, especially low kicks, the
increase to three minute rounds was a factor however and Meschyerakov
tired as Kamada got on top and took the decision 5-0.
Ajima (Japan) and Zagainov
(Russia) was shaping up to be an interesting fight with the shorter Japanese
evading the much taller Russian fighter until fairly early on Zagainov landed a perfect ushiro geri from close range that pushed Ajma
of the mat and winded him badly and earned the Zagainov
an ippon.
Tusseau (France) and Yamagawa
(Japan) was in my view the fight of the tournament, with a all the Europeans in
the arena loudly rooting for Tusseau and likewise the
Japanese for Yamagawa that yielded a fantastic
atmosphere. The heavier Yamagawa focused on punches
and powerful low kicks but Tusseau never backed down
and came in close and used his knees effectively and had powerful shita tsukis, neither fighter
back down and a draw was given and an extension was awarded. The crowd really
got into this tremendous fight as both fighters refused to back down and showed
tremendous spirit and fitness, and the it was 2-2 after the extension and a
draw was given and a further extension was awarded. Just as it appeared that Yamagawa’s low kicks might prove to be the decisive factor,
Tusseau landed a perfect hiza
geri jodan to stun Yamagawa and earn the Frenchman a wazari
much to the European crowds delight and that was enough to see him advance.
Yeremenko (Russia) continued to show he is an
absolute Rolls Royce of a fighter as he calmly landed an ippon for a body punch
against Takagi (Japan) after stalking the smaller Japanase
fighter around the mat.
Block B
Two hugely gifted technical fighters squared
of next as Takahashi (Japan) took on Navarro (Spain), the fight was pretty even
with both fighters wary of the others knock out techniques but a Navarro fall
was harshly given a wazari at the end of the round
and enough for Takahashi, who had admittedly become more dominant as the fight wore
on, to advance.
Osawa (Japan) in my opinion fought tactically the
wrong fight as he went toe to toe against the much taller and heavier Gulyaev. This played into Gulyaev’s
hands as he hit Osawa with a number of powerful shita tsukis, inside low kicks
and knees to dominate the fight and get the decision 5-0.
Sypien (Poland) and Hoshi (Japan) was another fight
that was an absolute war, both big fighters but also fit for their size. The
first round was brutal with both fighters taking a lot of punishment and refusing
to move back with Sypien concentrating on punches and
low kicks and well placed chudan hiza
geris, and Hoshi sticking to punch and low kick combinations, the Pole appeared
slightly fitter and the decision was 2-0 in his favour but the ref awarded a
draw. The first extension continued in much the same way and was again brutal
and Sypien put in a late burst and this time led 2-1
on the flags but again it was awarded a draw. The second extension was very
much in the same manner as the first two rounds but with both fighters tiring, Sypien again was ahead on the flags but this time just 1-0
and not enough for the decision, the fight went to boards and Hoshi advanced
20-19. Whilst Hoshi was well worth his place in the next round Sypien was extremely unlucky not to advance by taking the
Higuchi (Japan) took on the giant Nascimento
in a complete mismatch in terms of size, this lead to
a face punch that was harsh on Nasicmento in
receiving a genten ichi and
then another face punch for a genten ni for and a disqualification.
Block C
Arata (Japan) took on the powerful Bedoshvil (Russia) who came out with his normal barrage of
powerful low kicks, Arata fought well and moved efficiently and landed body
punch to gain ippon and advance impressively. Kaga
(Japan) and Goryushkin (Russia) was another messy
fight with the large Goryushkin chasing down Kaga but was awarded a genten ichi that enable the Japanese fighter to advance.
Another two powerhouses met as Nishimura
(Japan) took on Kapanadze (Russia), the first round was very even with both
fighters sizing each other up before throwing powerful techniques and a draw
was awarded. In the extension Kapanadze focused on the inside low kick against
the heavier opponent but Nishumura threw a number of
low kicks and combinations and appeared fresher and advanced 3-0 on the flags.
Luzin (Russia) again looked irrepressible against
Nakano (USA) as he pushed back his opponent showing his immense fitness and
hitting his opponent with a barrage of low kicks, hiza
geris, and punches to get the decision 5-0 and move ominously to the next
Block D
Zarinyan (Russia) appeared to have injured his hand
in the tameshiwari and could only punch with one hand
as he took on Aksenenko (Russia). Aksenenko
who was the larger fighter fought tactically the right fight getting on top of Zarinyan, cutting down the space and constantly moving
forward. Aksenenko’s tactics appeared to be working
perfectly but he slowed as the round moved on and was caught with some good
shots from Zarinyan who upped his work rate and took
the flags 3-0.
Kovalenko (Russia) who despite being much
larger than Shimizu (Japan) was still quick and also showed great technique has
he gained wazari-ippon both for sweeps and
comfortably move to the next round. Ekimov (Russia)
and Fedoseev (Russia) fought toe to toe and traded
blows, as the round wore on Ekimov’s extra weight and
power proved decisive as he drove Fedoseev of the mat
and earned the decision 5-0.
The final fight of the round was a very
interesting match up and re run a last 16 fight four
years ago as Ueda (Japan) took on Karpenko (Russia), the Russian came out
sharply from the blocks and landed some really powerful low kicks that rocked
Ueda. Ueda to his credit regained his composure and grew as the fight went on
landing strong hiza geris and mae
geris, Karpenko tired significantly in the last minute of the round and Ueda
was clearly on top and pushed him off the mat on multiple occasions and took
the flags 5-0.
Last 16
Kamada (Japan) versus Zagainov
(Russia) was a scrappy opening round with larger Russian trying to get close
and land knees and jodan mawashi geris as Kamada himself through some big shots, with little between
them an extension was awarded, in the extension just as both fighters broke to
move apart Zagainov through a well time jodan mawashi geri that landed
perfectly on the side of Kamada’s face to drop the
Japanese fighter and earn the young Russian a surprise heavy ippon and a place
on the last eight.
Next up was a fresh Yeremenko (Russia) who
had had not left first gear in the event as yet against a battle worn Tusseau (France), the Frenchman however was not deterred
and worked hard and took the fight to the Russian and threw lots of hiza geris and shita tsuki as he matched the fresher Yeremenko, there was
nothing in the first round and 0-0 in the flags. In the extension Yeremenko
increased his work rate and pushed harder and earned the decision 3-0 against a
gallant Tusseau who was one of the most exciting fighters
of the tournament.
Takahashi (Japan) interestingly decided to go
toe to toe with Gulyaev (Russia) instead of using his
excellent movement, Gulyaev however landed a face
punch for a genten ichi and
then another for a genten ni
and was subsequently disqualified, sad to see an excellent fighter and real
threat exit the event like this but Takahashi was worth of his place in the
next round.
Hoshi (Japan) used his size and power to
completely dominate Higuchi (Japan) with punches and low kicks and easily took
the flags 5-0. The next fight was very similar with Arata (Japan) much larger
than Kaga (Japan) and Arata scored a wazari for a body punch that saw him advance.
Luzin (Russia) was once again relentless against
the power of Nishimura (Japan), Luzin tried to land
inside low kick on Nishimura that Kapanadze had in the previous round and this
tactic proved fruitful as it slowed down Nishimura and earned Luzin the flags 5-0 where once again the Russian supreme
fitness was impressive.
The injured Zarinyan
(Russia) did his best to move around and pick off Kovalenko (Russia) as the
larger Kovalenko stalked Zarinyan and close down the
range well to land punches and low kicks, it was a shame this fight was fought
with Zarinyan injured as it could have been an
excellent fight but Zarinyan was missing a key weapon
and Kovalenko earned the decision 5-0.
Ueda (Japan) and Ekimov
(Russia) was even for most of the fight and perhaps the Karpenko fight had
taken its toll on Ueda, late on in the end of the first round Ueda landed a mae geri chudan
that floored Ekimov and earned Ueda a wazari.
Quarter Finals
Zagainov (Russia) was wary of Yeremenko (Russia) for both
his power and his high kicks as he stayed at distance as Yeremenko stalked and
launched punches and low kicks and gained a wazari
for a fall by Zagainov as Yeremenko looked stronger
and in control and took his place in the last four.
Takahashi (Japan) and Hoshi (Japan) saw Takahashi
use his movement excellently as he switched from toe to toe and landing hiza geri chudans
to moving back to evade Hoshi’s power and pick him off with combinations, this
tactic worked perfectly and Takahashi took the flags 5-0.
Arata (Japan) and Luzin
(Russia) was another absolute battle and credit to both fighters this late on
in the event as they brutally battled it out toe to toe, Luzin
as always pressed and thrrew mainly punches, low
kicks, and hiza geris but in high volume but Arata
isolated a leg and concentrated on low kicks on one side that trouble Luzin, the round ended and it was 3-0 to Luzin which was harsh on Arata who I think deserved an
extension but Luzin high tempo was undeniable.
Ueda (Japan) looked to have his sharpness
back against Kovalenko (Russia) and looked in control in the fight and pushed
back the Russian on a number of occasions before landing a jodan
mawashi geri for a wazari
to advance.
Semi Finals
Yeremenko (Russia) and Takahashi (Japan) were
extremely well matched with both fighters wary of the other knock out
techniques and so much at stake, Yeremenko stalked Takahashi who moved around
well but neither fighter had an advantage and the flags were 0-0. In the first
extension Takahashi came close with a jodan mawashi geri but Yeremenko increased his work rate but only enough
for 1-0 on the flags. The second extension was very similar with Yeremenko
gradually getting on top but again only enough to get 2-0 on the flags and the
ref awarded a draw, the fight went to boards with the fighters even at 19-19,
the fighters then headed to the scales were there was less than 10kg difference
so a final extension was to be fought. The encho-sen
was fought in good spirit and Yeremenko carried on the improvement from the
previous extension and took the flags 5-0 to reach the final.
Ueda (Japan) kept his semi final to one round
as he earned a wazari against Luzin
(Russia) for a hiza geri jodan that took him through to the final to end the Russian’s
hugely impressive run.
Place fight off
Luzin (Russia) exerted pressure from the start
against Takahashi and pushed him back and came close with a Jodan
mawashi geri, Takahashi looked tired after his long semi final and Luzin capitalised
with his usual high work rate and combinations to get the decision 3-0.
(Russia) and Ueda were worthy finalists and, in my view, the two best fighters
of the tournament so it was the right final I believe. Former champion and
legend Francisco Filho was the referee in what turned
out to be a titanic battle that ensued. The fight opened with Ueda the busier
at the start as he threw a number of knees to the body and mae
geris and Yeremenko concentred on punches and low kicks. Ueda used low kicks
more as the round went on but continued to use his mae
geris and hiza geris effectively, a late surge from
both lead to an even first round, 1-0 Ueda on the flags, extension awarded
In the extension,
Yeremenko came close with an ushiro mawashi geri jodan and was throwing some strong
punches and low kicks looked the fresher of the two fighters and Ueda perhaps
began to tire with Yeremenko slightly on top but little between the two, 1-0
Yeremenko on the flags and a further extension awarded.
In this extension
the fight understandably slowed, with this the culmination of three days of
fights and a war in itself, both fighters mainly concentrated on punches to
reserve energy then Yeremenko close with another ushiro
mawashi geri jodan and then
straight away Ueda came close after with mae geri jodan. Yeremenko ended the
round with a barrage of low kicks and punches but Ueda came back with powerful
knees and punches himself, again nothing in it in my view, 1-0 Yeremenko on the
flags. The fight went to Tameshiwari and Ueda had broke 21 boards versus Yeremenko’s
17 and was awarded the fight and became world champion.
My final
thought was Ueda was a very worth champion and completely deserved his title,
however I would say Yeremenko would have been equally worthy and there was
nothing between the two in the fight or over the three days, the final itself
was fought in great spirit and both were a credit to the spirit of Kyokushin and produced a great final.